Great news: Matched Education Savings Accounts (MESA) are now available for students attending or planning to attend any accredited college or university in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. We are one of seven credit unions offering MESA accounts. The Northwest MESA program helps hardworking students with limited incomes save for college expenses. For every $1 you save, the program matches it with $3. Save up to $500 and you will be eligible for the maximum match of $1,500 for a total of $2,000, payable to your school.
Participants commit to:
• Making monthly savings deposits of at least $25 and save for at least 6 months
• Participating in online personal money management training
• Maintaining regular contact with program representatives
You may be eligible if:
• You meet certain income guidelines
• You have earned income [AND]
• You are a Washington, Oregon, or Idaho resident
To learn more about the Northwest MESA program and to start the pre-application process, visit If you qualify, one of our staff members will contact you to set up an appointment to open your new MESA account.